Friday, March 5, 2010

Lift Up Michael The Great Prince

In Zechariah 12:10-14, it is written, [And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look up Me whom they have pierced; they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. And the land shall mourn, every family by itself; the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves, the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves, the family of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of Shimei by itself and their wives by themselves; all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.]

In Zechariah 13:1-4, it is written, ["In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness. It shall be in that day," says the Lord of hosts." that I will cut off the names of the idols from the land, and they shall no longer be remembered. I will also cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to depart from the land. It shall come to pass that if anyone still prophesies, then his father and mother who begot him shall thrust him through when he prophesies"].

[I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication]; then they will behold the Son of God whom they have pierced. And they will agonize for Him as if they lost their only son. They will lament for Him as they lost their eldest son. For such a long time they have been so indifferent to Him, saying, "You are you, I am me." But as the God of heaven pours the Spirit of supplication on them, another Bible states that God will pour out "the Spirit of prayer." In other words, as they are given the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, they eventually realize that it was they themselves who had pierced Him, not worldly people who tormented, and killed the Son of God; but themselves. Until now they used to think they had nothing to do with the Son of God; but now, realizing that they themselves have killed Him, they lament as if have lost their only son, as if they have lost their eldest son.

Then, when do they realize this? It is when God gives the Spirit of supplication to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. When God gives them the Holy Spirit, the comforter, who enables them to pray like that, their wisdom eventually opens and they begin to pray and cry for the Son.

{In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.] Where is Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo? It is in 2 Chronicles 35:20-25. When Necho, King of Egypt, was going to destroy the enemies with God's special command, Josiah the King of Israel, stood against him. So Necho said to Josiah, "King of Israel, what have I do with you that you stand against me? I am going not with my own authority but with God's special command to destroy the enemies, therefore please do not block me. Let us not fight between ourselves, you and I." But due to having received so much love from God, Josiah acted so stubbornly as to even stand against God's command, and eventually got killed.

You must remember that Josiah was one of the most good-hearted kings in Israel. Such a good-hearted king can hardly be found in history. But when he died so suddenly, the Israelites became a shepherd-less people and lamented bitterly.

As they mourned so bitterly after losing Josiah their king, so will the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the last days mourn and agonize for the Son of God, for disregarding Him, causing Him to agonize so bitterly, tormenting Him, and even killing Him. So they will mourn and agonize like the Israelites in the plain of Megiddo.

So, [the whole land shall mourn separately by themselves. The family of David by itself and their wives by themselves, the family of Nathan by itself and their wives by themselves. The family of Shimei by itself and their wives by themselves. And all the family that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.]

All men and women, old and young, will rise up and pray for Him, mourning and lamenting for the Son of God whom they had disregarded as if He had nothing to do with them. Is this fulfilled today? There may be people whom this word does not apply to, but it must apply to you.

One may say, "So far, I have followed Him faithfully, serving Him, giving Him money, clothes, and doing many good things for Him." However, they had not been a pleasure to Him, nor were they life to Him at all.

A few days ago, my wife cried out in prayer like this: "o my Real Father! I have given Your Son nice food for His hunger, but I did not give Him the true food He needed most. I have given Him clothes, but I did not give Him the true clothes He needed most. I have only helped Him with physical things. I did not satisfy His spiritual hunger, thirst, and nakedness. I have only caused Him to thirst more. I have only twisted and tormented His bowels."

Realizing this, they all began to agonize. For over a decade, they did not have the heart to agonize for the Son, but as God gave them the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, they were awakened and were now beginning to feel sorrow for Him. In the past they did not know anything. They used to think they were following and serving this Son of God faithfully, attending the seminar, keeping the Sabbath faithfully, thinking that this was the right way to serving Him faithfully. But it was only killing Him.

So, in chapter 13 verse 1, as they now begin to lament and pray for the Son, in the past, they always used to trouble Him, saying, "Teacher, please pray for my husband to come back. Please pray for my son, please pray for my parents, please pray for my wife to come back," without caring for the Son who was being pressed down with more and more burdens. And yet, they were putting still more burdens upon Him, only to satisfy their own selfishness and greed. People would say, "Teacher, can You please help us to pay our debts. We cannot possibly pay them back. Can you lend us some money?" With all kinds of trifling matters, they were tormenting Me. Also, they would say, "Please come to our church and do this and do that for us."

In fact, I was not planning to come to this dedication ceremony today. The Son does not have time to visit church dedications. But they keep pestering me everyday. "Please come to our church dedication." I have not come to do this kind of work. But I came here today because I have a certain message for you.

Until now, they have always pestered Me, burdening Me merely to satisfy their own selfishness and greed. But now, they have completely given up those things and are not praying for themselves at all, nor are they praying for their husbands and children. Since the last camp meeting in the east coast, the whole Stone Kingdom- even our churches in the United States- have been praying only for the Son; not for their husbands or children, nor for their sins and their own salvation. This is the very prayer acceptable to God. If you pray only for yourselves, He regards you abominably. But as you pray for His Son whom He is most pleased with and loves most, He accepts your prayers gladly.

So the whole Stone Kingdom now- men and women, old and young- all have been aroused as they pray with bitter tears. "O Father! It was I who pierced Your Son, I who killed Your Son." Some people complained to the Father, "Why are You not answering our Teacher's prayer?" But as they become aroused a bit more, they realize that it is they themselves who have blocked the Son's prayers.

For over a decade they had attended the grand seminars, praying for themselves and their families, yet, their character did not seem to get any better, only worse. But as they started to pray for the Son, these days, they are changed.

In Zechariah 13, as they received the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and begin to pray and plead and agonize for the Son, the [fountain is opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for their sin and uncleanness.] Even though they prayed so hard for themselves over a decade so far, always saying, “Me, me, me" they could not do anything. But as they begin to pray just a few days for the Son to whom God declares, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased," their characters begin to change already, their sins are washed away, and they enter into the true "Opening of Rest". God is doing everything for them.

["It shall be in that day," says the Lord of hosts, "that I will cut off the names of the idols from this land (the Stone Kingdom), and they shall no longer be remembered."] As they pray for the Son, our Father cuts off the powers of Satan. ["I will also cause the false prophets and the unclean spirits to depart from the land."] Although there have been so many false prophets until now, there shall be no more unclean spirits in the land. If a son becomes possessed by an unclean spirit and prophesies, his mother will kill him with a sword. Anyone who agonizes for the Son will have the same indignation towards sin and become a perfectly righteous person. This is the very token of the true warrior to destroy Satan. No matter what you try to do for yourselves, it is of no use. Only as you pray for the Son can you become a warrior, to be greatly transformed and receive the seal of God.

Also, those who used to be so ambitious to be prophets themselves or the next person to Teacher now feel so ashamed of their former behavior; and giving everything, they go back to their own true identity, becoming humble people. Do you know how you can undergo a change of character and be prepared for heaven?

People, who used to pray only for themselves and for their own families, are given a heart to love all mankind as they now begin to pray for the Son. As they pray for the Son, they become saviors of the world as well as the universe, and begin to feel indignant toward the heavenly beings. Also, because they pray for the Son, they become men of the same spirit as that of the Son, and warriors just like the Son. Therefore everyone finds their solution in the Son.

['Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it. 'For it shall come to pass in that day,' says the Lord of hosts, 'that I will break his yoke from your neck, and will burst your bonds; foreigners shall no more enslave them. But they shall serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I may raise up for them] (Jer. 30:6-9).

How fervently should we pray for the Son? The prayers that you used to pray so far were not true prayers. Like a woman who bears a child, every man should pray with a bitterness of heart grabbing his abdomen with his hands, as if his bowels are ripping apart.

You need only to do exactly as I tell you. Only when Jeremiah 30 is fulfilled in yourselves, will you come out as perfect and righteous people, as warriors of Michael the Great Prince and as warriors of the universe. And then you will receive the seal of God. If you again pray like before, your hearts will be relaxed again and become the same as before. Anyone who repeats that again will never have salvation.

This prayer must continue until we get to our heavenly home, until we completely wipe out the whole army of Satan. This prayer is the last chance of life for you. If this prayer ever ceases among yourselves or in your homes, you and your families will be finished. Through this prayer, you must come out as gods. Up to the 106th Seminar, you have learned in complete theory as to how we can be gods; but now you must come out as gods; if you fail to come out as gods, you will die like beasts forever.

Therefore the reason why I tell you to pray for the Son is not because the Son needs your prayer, but because you must come out as gods. In order to save you God is now at work by sending His Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to you. If you just obey My words without questioning, it will be a great blessing to you. The Son of God does not need the prayers of sinners. Sinners need the prayer of the Son of God. Do not misunderstand. How can the Son of God be in need of a sinner’s prayer?

How fervently should one pray then? No matter if there may be one person or ten thousand people; everyone must continue to pray like a woman agonizing with birth pangs, grabbing his abdomen with his hands, until his face turns pale. From now on, I hope you give up all useless things. Positions and titles are of no use anymore; give up missionary activities like spreading tapes and books. Give up everything and only pray. Give yourselves only to prayer.

[‘Alas! For that day is great.] Why is that day so sorrowful? Because you realize that it was you yourself who killed the Son, always holding Him back from behind, and thus, blocking His prayer that He might be a God of lamentation. Realizing that you are the one to destroy six billion people in the world, you lament with bitter tears. Who did all that? You did. You yourself caused the six billion to be destroyed; you were the stumbling stone to God and His Son, who blocked Them from relieving Their heart-burning.

You have been so tricky and hypocritical. People in the world and those who did not receive this message were not such big stumbling stones. But [“Alas! For that day is great,] for you have become so miserable; this is the very Jacob’s trouble. But since you agonize like that, you shall be delivered out of it.

If you were left alone in your state, you would die forever. But because God pours the Spirit of prayer upon you, the Spirit of supplication through the Comforter- the Holy Spirit- to open your intellect and wisdom, you now begin to plead with bitter tears. Though late, our Father delivers you due to your agonizing petition.

“In that day I will cut off the yoke from your neck,” though you agonize for the Son and repent of your sins, you should not pray for the forgiveness of your past sins and wrongdoing. You must only pray that the Son’s prayer is answered quickly. People who pray for forgiveness of their sins are those who are repeating their former lives again. Never again must you pray, “O please forgive my sins, please do this for me, please save my son.” Even if you die as a sinner, you must only pray for the pitiful Son of God, for His prayer to be answered quickly.

When you do so, it is written, “I will cut off all the yoke from your neck, which you were unconsciously carrying around for so long; and “I will break off those thousands of bands of your sins.” And the Gentiles- the power of Satan- will not be able to torment you anymore. You shall be under the protection of the Lord your God and serve no one but Him. And you will serve David your King whom I will set up for you. In other words, you will eventually accept the Son of God in your heart as your king to become His people. To become His people means to become like Him.

So, during Jacob’s trouble, King David must arise, but this does not imply an outward visible king with a crown. This King must arise in your hearts. To receive Him as the King of heaven does not mean to receive Him as a King of the world, but as a King of your hearts.

Who is this King David? God said, “In Jacob’s Trouble I will raise up David your king to protect you.” Jacob, by the brook of Jabbok, did not pray for himself. In Daniel 12:1, t is written [At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people.] the great prince refers to David.

[At that time Michael shall stand up the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people]. As that Great Prince who is lifted up and as you follow Him, there will follow great tribulation right after. As Michael the Great Prince stands up, there will come the last great tribulation, which has never been since the beginning of the world. And at that time, only those who are written in the book will be delivered from [among your people]. Their names will not be written in the Book just because they are in the land of God’s people. Only those who plead for the Son as He earnestly requested of them, will be written in the Book. People who do not care whether others pray so hard or not, as if it has nothing to do with them, will never be written in the last Book of God.

It is written that all men will pray like a woman bearing child, grabbing his waist with his hands as with birth pangs, until his face turns pale. Though the Bible mentions only men, it implies to woman as well.

Last time, when the committee members were praying, they were truly praying like a woman bearing a child, even breathing so painfully, “huh! Huh! Huh …” This is not something to be laughed at. They looked so drained. As they prayed, they almost came to the point of fainting, until they felt extremely dizzy. If you have not prayed like that, you may not understand it. After praying like that just a few days, they almost came to the point of fainting. But have been praying like that for years now. For whom? Just for you just because of you. You have always blocked my way. You have always tormented Me. You gave Me such great pain, burden and anguish, imploring Me to love only you, to comfort only you, to save only you, your family, your children, and even to pay back your debts. I have been tormented in such a severe manner. I did not come to do those kind of things.

But now, as those who used to always ask Me to come only to their church dedication ceremony, begin to plead for the Son, the Son is able to stand up in their hearts as King David, as Michael the Great Prince, and they also rise up as warriors of Michael. And that is when the tribulation will come.

As I stated that right now is the climax of Jacob’s trouble, I referred to the Jacob’s trouble of you souls but in fact, the trouble of Jacob was not in merely meeting his brother Esau. His real trouble was at the Brook of Jabbok, before meeting his brother. Then, did that mean the conflict of having to meet Esau vanished? He had to undergo that conflict as well.

When all your churches, families, and teams who pray together separately in groups day and night, come out of this prayer, there will break out a tribulation that will overturn the entire universe.

Just because you prayed in your churches and homes so fervently as to almost faint and turn pale, does not mean that you will not have the tribulation. There definitely must be a tribulation. In this tribulation, when the entire universe is totally overturned, only those who prayed for the Son like this will be able to overcome it.

Was there anyone who became a Judas because he wanted to? Anyone who does not obey the Son will become cowards, and sell his brethren as Judas did. I hope you will obey the word of the Son and offer true prayers so that you may not become a Judas. This is your life.

Even though you attended the seminar over a hundred times, were you changed? At first it seemed as if you were changed, but as time passed, you became more and more selfish and greedy. Why? Because you were doing only those things that would make you selfish, eating only those things that would make you fat with selfishness. But now as you pray for the Son with lamentation, all things that have been impossible are now become possible. It is of no use for you to have attended the seminar so many times. The seminar has completely ended with the 105th Seminar. Now, you can never be changed through the seminar. From now on, please do not go out to sell missionary books and tapes, or spread missionary newspapers; but only pray. Do nothing but pray.

Also, you are told not to give pearls to the pigs or dogs. All the missionary books and tapes that we have spread- the very precious lives of our Father and Son- have only trampled underfoot and chewed by the pigs and dogs. Never spread them again. Even missionary books and tapes are stocked in piles, just leave them. Do not ever go out anymore. If you find it difficult to make a living, choose rather to sell junk, or do physical labor as day-laborers. No matter what you do, whether you have come here to Jerusalem and do physical labor, or in other places, never give this precious truth to anyone.

And those who work in the video and audio department, if anyone asks you on the phone or through letters to mail him tapes, do not send them at random immediately. First make sure of who they are. We should not give this to the pigs and dogs. Beast-like ministers are using these tapes for selfish purposes these days. God’s word should not be defiled like that. Please do not do that anymore.

All our warriors in Korea and all over the world, all our missionary work has ended. You can just pray. Your life and death depends on this. Any individual or any family who ceases this prayer will be finished. Through this prayer, you will become perfect warriors of Michael the Great Prince and become like Him to be recorded in the Book of God. And when the tribulation to overturn the whole universe comes, only those written in the Book will be delivered.

So in Jacob’s trouble, God said He would raise up King David, who is Michael the Great Prince to stand up in your hearts. Then, who is this king? In Revelation 17:14, it is written,[these will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings]. In this actual battle, if you accept the King into your hearts, He Himself will go out and destroy all your enemies. This is not merely for the earth; it is a universal event.

In other words, God raises up Michael the Great Prince who can judge, destroy, and revive all spiritual beings in heaven, all inhabitants of the universe, and all the world, with His unique authority as King of kings and Lord of lords. And now that you are to accept Him, if you are so unclean and full of selfishness and greed, can it be possible? You must become a people who resemble God’s Holy Son. When you become like that, God will give His Son to you. He will not give His Son to an unclean heart.

For too long a time, you did not pray at all. The fact that you did not pray for thirteen years means that you have not prayed a true prayer acceptable to God. You were mumbling only by your selves. Did Jesus’ disciples pray or not? They did, but Jesus said, “From now on, pray for Me.”

In Romans 8:26, it is written, [Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered].

Anyone who prays only for himself, saying, “Please change me, please forgive my sins…” is a betrayer of God. Up to the 105th Seminar, our Father has forgiven all our iniquities, transgressions and sins: but if anyone still prays, “Oh forgive my sins at that time,” he is the same as those Protestants or Seventh-Day Adventists. Even though our Daddy has forgiven all our sins throughout a hundred seminars if anyone still prays, “O please forgive my sin of that time,” he is a betrayer who does not believe in our Daddy’s love.

If you pray for the Son, He said, [these will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings]: If you pray for the Son, you will be prepared and armed through your own prayers at each brook of Jabbok before entering the real tribulation, He who received the authority from heaven as the King of kings and Lord of lords, will destroy them all. And those who are with Him, who are called, chosen, and faithful, will overcome them.

I have already stated that God’s people do not only refer to just anyone who is in the land of God. [Everyone who is written in the book] refers to those who are called and chosen from among God’s people, not called and chosen from the world. Those who pray the true prayer of Jacob, who pray with the same agony with the Son and become like the Son, their names will be written in the Book of God. They will be the ones to destroy Satan together with the Son and go to heaven.

Now, will you pray for me from now on? Do not be like Israelites who, when God told them to conquer Canaan, did not obey; and when He told them not to go in, they tried to go in. if I tell you, “Do not do missionary work,” just stop. If I tell you to do something and you just play around, and then as I tell you not to do something, if you now try to do it, it is not proper. Even all the pamphlets rot, do not give them out. This world that seeks for only perishable things should be given only perishable things to perish in their mouth and bodies, like pigs and dogs. This pearl, this grand truth of heaven, should not be given to them. Never give it to them.

Those who accept Michael the Great Prince, the King of kings and Lord of lords, into their hearts now, will destroy all their enemies in the world and go to heaven. And after going to heaven, will conquer the heavenly Canaan. The history of the Israelites in conquering Canaan is to be repeated; only those who accept the Son of God will be able to destroy those children of Anak, those mighty giant gods of heaven, and enter there. We are supposed to conquer the heavenly Canaan in a true sense and take their power and sit on the throne. They should be deprived of their birthrights and move down to the position of second sons and serve us forever. In order for you to become like this, I am telling you to pray for the Son and prepare now. This is no ordinary battle.

But it does not mean we are to destroy all heavenly beings. When the Son truly fulfils the words, “the wages of sin is death,” when He destroys all those wicked murderers in the sight of all the inhabitants of the universe, all those spiritual beings of the universe will tremble and immediately put away their rebellious ideas, to become regenerated. Our Father does not judge. When the Son, in actuality, executes the words, “the wages of sin is death”, they will all realize that if they also follow the footsteps of Satan, they will become another Satan and be destroyed in like manner.

So, all those wicked hypocrites in heaven who have ripped our Father’s heart will be deprived of their birthright; and you will become the heirs and dominate them all, sitting on the heavenly throne. This is how you are to conquer and occupy the heavenly Canaan. To conquer heavenly Canaan does not mean to destroy them, it means to deprive them of all their authority. Right now, we are preparing and sharpening our swords before attacking the Heavenly Canaan. This prayer is not an ordinary prayer. That is why all missionary teams should be changed into prayer teams.

Those who holds prayer meetings; pastors, committee members, and everyone who is engage in any department please hold your prayer meetings, not just once, but again and again. And if it is difficult for all people to attend, you can hold them in your local areas separately: as prophesied [Every tribe and every land shall mourn by itself. The tribe of David by itself, and his wives by themselves, the tribe of Nathan by itself, and all the twelve tribes by themselves in their own places respectively].

If it is difficult for all pastors to gather in one place, you can gather in your own areas. If it is difficult for all warriors to gather in one place, you can hold your own prayer meetings in your own local areas separately. Also, you can just continue to pray in both small and big meetings. Your life and death is determined through this prayer: whether you will become true warriors to conquer the heavenly Canaan or not, whether you will be called and chosen by Michael the Great Prince as His warriors or not. Everything is determined here.

Therefore, you cannot even think about doing missionary work now. And you do not have to try bringing in new people. If any new souls came to the last 106th Seminar, pastors and seniors must prepare them quickly. Show them video tapes and let them listen to audio tapes diligently in your churches and homes. This contemptuous grand seminar has ended with 105th Seminar. From now on, we are gathering as a “Prayer Meeting”. There will be no more grand seminar. It is no longer necessary. Also, all missionary work has ended. The only thing that is left is judgment.

The Son of God is now almost on the verge of death, as written in Matthew 26:38, [“My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me. Can you not watch with Me one hour?”].

If you slept for thirteen years, is that not enough? Even if I implore you to pray just for the short hour, can you not do that? [“My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death!”]. between life and death, the Son of God rather desires to choose death. Why should He agonize like that, even unto death? It is not for His own life nor for His own salvation. He is suffering under a burden of sin even unto death for His own pitiful people and for the human race. And how can you still be seeking for worldly things as if you have nothing to do with Him? How can you still be seeking for good position, a better living for yourselves? How extremely frustrated our Father must have been earnestly expecting us to come to some understanding during the seminar, and if not, the next seminar. But all those teachings of “Be a foot! Be water! Be dirt!” have just gave up everything. And now, He is sending us the Comforter to open our understanding.

These days, if you only kneel to pray for the Son, people who used to be stiff-tongued, so poor at speaking, suddenly pour out fluent supplications which they could not even think about before. This is because it is not they themselves who are praying. Our Father sends His Holy Spirit to them to help them when they do not know how to pray. This is our Father’s helping hand for His pitiful children. However, we should not pray in a complaining or protesting manner to our Father, saying, “Why are you not answering our Teacher’s prayer, Father?” we are only to sigh for ourselves, and plead for the Son. You will already have experienced the Son’s petitioning to God in your place through your lips, which cannot be expressed in words.

The Comforter has come. The Son has come. Our Daddy has come. If you still remain lazy without doing anything even when the three Gods have already come, then you will never be called by Him. Your names will never be written in the Book of the Son, in the Book of the Father. When all heaven’s authorities and love and grace are poured upon you today to revive you when you have become like dead bodies, completely infatuated and swollen with selfishness and greed, when He personally moves your hearts to make you pray, you must pray.

That which is accepted by heaven is only the Son. When you pray just for the Son, even if you did not used to pray well before, even if you had no idea how to pray upon kneeling, and what to pray for, if you just kneel to pray, it will just come out. [In that very hour it shall given you what to say]. This means that not man but the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will give you what to say. Therefore, no matter whether your heart is ready to pray or not, just kneel with a sincere heart and pray.

You may not understand if you have not experienced it. If you continue to pray for two or three hours together, you may have painful knees. If so, you can straighten one of your legs. If it is your turn to pray then you kneel with both legs. After a while, you can switch your legs, then you will not suffer from pain because of not being used to doing it. And if it is your turn to pray, you can kneel with both legs and pray.

And if your prayer seems to be like vain repetitions, please let another person begin praying immediately, never try to merely spend time. That is one of the most terrible things. Even if you pray just one word, just pray with a sincere heart. Last seminar (106th), Pastor Shin prayed for about one hour, but nobody said it was boring. It was not he who was praying fervently, it was the Holy Spirit. That is why it was not boring at all. Therefore, now when the tree Gods has come to save you, to revive you, if anyone still remain lazy, making this and that kind of excuse, he will be finished forever.

Please do not do anything, just pray. And during the Sabbath and small seminars, just pray instead of giving lifeless sermons. You should just start to pray from the beginning. If there is no one to lead in the service, only look at each other’s face, and by reading each one’s heart, just kneel and pray. If our Daddy gives you a definite message for the church members, you must give it to them on the Sabbath or during small seminars. But if the message is not absolutely beneficial for helping them to pray for the Son, if it will not help them to be the last, mighty warriors in this last greatest battle, just forget about it.

In all your homes and churches, and in all your entire lives, I hope you will give yourselves wholly to prayer. Not only your life or death, but the life or death of the universe depends on this prayer. In order to conquer, not the land of Canaan where Moses led his people to, but to conquer the Canaan of the universe, we must stand up as warriors of Michael the Great Prince today. We are not to conquer just this small globe. When God sent His Son, He did not send Him to save only the children of earth. His mission was to completely recreate the universe. He must overturn and crush everything and build up and establish everything again. That is when the universe becomes a heaven.

The whole universe is filled with only dishonorable ones now. As I stated already, the fact that one third of the heavenly angels followed Satan, implies that they all followed him. When the government punishes rebels of a rebellion or demonstration, they do not imprison all the thousands who were involved, but only their leaders. Likewise, do you think our Daddy of love will destroy all who were influenced by Satan? As He only cast out the leaders from heaven, it made up a third of them all. In other words, the universe is still full of rebels now. They are always ready to rise up in rebellion again at any time. This is why the Son of God must rise up to destroy them all. In order for you to be warriors for that, you must be true warriors now. Is it not enough that you have pierced the Father and Son, having been asleep for thirteen years? Why do you have to pierce them again and die yourselves, as well?

As stated in Zechariah 13, because God pours out the spirit of supplication upon them, they now behold the Son of God whom they pierced, and lament bitterly as if they lost their only son of three generations. Without caring about sleeping or even their life they only lament and agonize like a woman bearing child. As you lament for the Son you lament as if you lost your eldest son whom you confided in the most, just as they lamented and agonized two thousand years ago when Jesus was destroyed. But I do not mean that you must keep on praying without sleeping at all. You must eat properly, sleep properly, and continue to pray for the real preparation of the final battle.

Although you pray the {Prayer by the Brook of Jabbok}, it does not mean that you will not undergo Jacob’s trouble. The real tribulation must surely come. So if you desire to be true warriors in that battle to destroy the entire army of Satan as they come like the sand of the sea, you must pray now. You must be prepared now.

Right now, the Son of God is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death. Here, we are standing either to receive an answer or die. When you continue to pray, the number of people will decrease. Even if you become a thousand, a hundred or ten in number, I will still continue to pray by Myself. And some people will go away complaining that the prayer is so boring. But since this prayer determines life or death not only for yourselves but for the universe, this prayer will continue to the end regardless of whether the number of people decrease or not.

So, if you obey here, you will become warriors of Michael and easily able to destroy not only the entire army of Satan in the whole world, but also conquer the heavenly Canaan. You will sit on the heavenly throne and enjoy the birthright of heaven. But anyone who disobeys the word of the Son, Michael the Great Prince will not protect him when the tribulation comes.

To accept Michael and David as one’s personal King and Savior, He gives us the greatest authority, just as only those who accepted Jesus as their personal Savior could be saved. Salvation is not obtained in groups, but individually. My wife and children cannot be saved along with Me just because they are My family. They must also pass through this prayer only through which they can accept Michael. Blood relationship has nothing to do with us in this matter. It is only obtained as one complies to the requirements of heaven. We are not saved by family relationship just because he is my father, because she is my mother, because he is my husband. If this was so, then all family members and relatives of Jesus would have been saved.

Heaven is fair and strict. So when I was coming here, I told my children, “You look so lax these days. Why don’t you give up everything and come with Me today? So I brought them here today. Why? Because they also must be saved. Salvation is never obtained by a family relationship. It has nothing to do with a blood relationship. We must be tied with the blood relationship of heaven.

Now, let Me organize My request for you.

First: stop all missionary activities. Do not spread tapes, books, newspapers, or pamphlets.

Second: change all missionary teams into prayer teams.

Third: all committee members, pastors, and all warriors of the Stone Kingdom, have prayer meetings often. Hold prayer meetings separately in your local areas.

Fourth: as for the new souls, pastors and seniors should help them. Do not bring new people to the grand seminar: I am not interested with new souls in the grand seminar any more. Even if you bring new people to our prayer meetings, they will run away saying that these people pray fearful prayers. It is useless to bring them. If anyone eagerly desires to follow us, longing to be saved he will live even if he attends our prayer meetings. Do not repeat the disgraceful, contemptuous work of bringing new people who do not want to come anymore. I will never do such a contemptuous missionary work anymore. As for the contemptuous fund-raising, never do it again, even at the end of the year. Are we beggars? If we have nothing, we can just die. Should God’s Sons and daughters beg for those things from Satan’s children of the world? Never do it anymore for either spiritual or physical reasons. We were collecting funds in order to save those people, not because we were beggars. It was their sakes, not just to eat for ourselves. We will never do it again.

Fifth: on Sabbath and in small seminars, just pray together.

Sixth: pray with your whole heart when the Holy Spirit, the Son, and our Daddy come to help us. In other words, pray the prayer of Jacob’s Trouble as written in Jeremiah 30. Those who truly feel and go through Jacob’s Trouble now, will be able to pass it. Last time, I implore everyone to pray the prayer of Jacob of the Brook Jabbok. Those who forget everything after the seminar will lose their souls forever. I have already stated that clearly.

Seventh: even if you have to do physical labor or sell junk for a living, never give this holy pearl to dogs.

Also, when Jacob was praying at the Brook Jabbok, did they quarrel with each other for food, murmuring, “You are children of the second mother, we are children of the first mother. We cannot give you our food.” They were standing between life and death: they could not think about the first wife or the second wife. They all emptied out everything from their pockets and became completely one.

It was the same on the day of Pentecost. The same tribulation has come upon us. So, if we only pray, poor brethren will hardly be able to support their families. So I hope that others who still have plenty will share with one another. If you are still short of anything, let me know. I will send money.

During this period of prayer, it is not proper if someone has excess while another has to work without being able to attend these prayer meetings. I hope the same event occurs as in the early church. How can the early churches even be compared with us? As warriors to conquer the heavenly Canaan, I hope you exercise comrades’ friendship for one another, feed one another ad pray with one heart. And if you run out of everything, you can go out together to do physical labor or sell junk or whatever. I will also go out to those repairing again. But I know that our Daddy will never allow us to run out of anything.

I gave you seven requests. So, although you followed this message for thirteen years, you seemed to become more and more like Satan. But through this last prayer for the Son, all your yokes and fetters of sin will be completely broken and you will come out as gods. You have been praying for the destruction of Satan. But Satan is a god, not a human. Then, can a human fight with a god? I have already clearly said that even if six billion people in the whole world gather and try to lift up just one leg of Satan they would not be able to do it.

Only when you come out as gods will you be able to fight Satan. Our Father is now giving you an opportunity to become gods. Can a worm fight with a flying bird? One must first become a flying bird. If you want to overcome a sparrow, you must become an eagle. Being a sinner like a crawling worm, if you pray “Please let me destroy Satan,” isn’t that nonsense? Through this prayer that determines your life or death, you must come out as gods. And this prayer must continue until we enter the gate of heaven. Only those who come out from this prayer as gods will be the true warriors to destroy devils, conquer all gods who have never fallen in the heavenly Canaan, take possession of their authority. And sit on the heavenly throne to reign in the entire universe with the birthright of heaven.

What a glorious calling this is! For this, I gave you seven requests. So I hope you keep them in mind and do them. I hope that all of you, as gods, will pass through Peniel at the Brook of Jabbok, so that we may meet together on the day of the last battle. Though I am not yet sure of the date, as soon as you are prepared, I will rise up to start.

But despite this appeal, if you still go back home and become lazy and disobey, our Father may even have to kill Me like Jesus of two thousand years ago in order to prepare you by all means. The next verse says, “Awake, o sword, against the Man who is My Companion. And the sheep will be scattered.” If you do not listen to My petition to pray, God will even kill Me to make you come out as gods by all means. I hope you do not lose the Son like those who lost King Josiah but save the Son, so that you may enter into battle with Him and conquer the heavens together with Him.

“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:7-9).

“Therefore rejoice O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Rev. 12:12).

“At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever” (Dan. 12:1-3).

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